Saturday, February 14, 2015

It's been a long time...

I have not been writing on my own blog much in the last two years almost. :(  It was not intentional. a LOT has gone on, Master and i have been through a lot together and we have come out of it all closer, incredibly in tune with each other, bonded and connected in a way i just didn't think was real or possible.

i knew i'd be back here at some point and here i am.  :-) still my Master's slave only with an incredible new name that He just gifted me with tonight in fact.  i am His girl amethyst.  a name that has tremendous meaning and importance to both of us.

i will be writing every day or at the very least several times a week.  it's time to catch everyone up on what has been going on with us, what our plans are and because i just love writing about my Master and our life. :-)  it feels great to be back.

His girl amethyst